DGreen -> EE333 -> Schedule

EE333 as Online Course

This offering of EE333 is an online course. As such there are some modifications to the schedule and delivery. The course is structured into 14 weeks with multiple topics per week structured as modules in Canvas. The pace is quick in the early part of the course as we gain tools so that you will have time at the end for design and build activities that may take more time and need the benefit of reflective thinking. There are a collection of quizes throughout the course, 5 individual projects, one team project, and a set of personal retrospection activities to do in lieu of a final.

Timing of work products, as shown here, is approximate. The authoritative deadlines are in Canvas associated with the assignment.

EE333 Tentative Schedule - Fall 2022

Note: Mx is in Canvas; Cx is Chapter x of text

CWeek # Week # Topic Text Homework
34 1 Introduction, Java, NetBeans, Tools C1, C2, C3, C4 H0, H1, Due: H0, H1
35 2 Java Basics: Program Support, Exceptions, Input/Output, Debugging, Classes, Arrays C5, C6, C7, C8 P1
36 3 Relationships, GitHub, Strings C10, C14 P2, Due: P1
37 4 Other Java OO Topics, Unit Testing, More Tools C11, C15 P3, Due: P2
38 5 UML, I/O, Exceptions, Dates, Clones C9, C18
39 6 Software Life Cycle, Design, OOD, Examples, Project 4/5 P4/5, Due: P3
40 7 Teams, Project Planning, GUI Intro Due: Command Choice
41 8 GUI Design Project, UI Proposal Due: P4, UI Proposal
42 9 Java Graphical User Interfaces (Intro to JavaFX),Model / Design Review C12, C13 Due: Feasibility Presentation
43 10 JavaFX with FXML, Graphical User Interfaces / Team Meeting (initial feasibility), UI Design Doc Due: P5 Status
44 11 Interfacings to External Programs, GUI Design Presentation Due: GUI Concepts Presentation
45 12 Lamba Expressions and Streams, Project Work C16 Due: P5, UI Design Doc
46 13 IEEE Code of Ethics, Intellectual Property: Copyrights, Patents, Trademarks Due: Team Status Report
47 Fall Break
48 14 Threads, Project Due Due: Team Project Submission
49 FNL Personal Retrospective Due: Retrospective items

* in # column denotes required class attendance.

Web Page: http://dgreenteach.org/DGreen/ee333/schedule.html .
Copyright (c) 2010–22 David G. Green, All Rights Reserved
Contact: dgreen@uab.edu
Last modified: 23 June 2022