DGreen -> EE333

EE333 - Engineering Programming Using Objects

Fall 2022

Text: Murach’s Java Programming, Joel Murach, 2022, Mike Murach & Associates, ISBN 978–1–943872–87–9. Students are expected to have the text at the start of the course and to read the reading assignments as they work their way through the modules.


Instructor Information

David Green dgreen@uab.edu

Availability (22 August to 2 December 2022):

The class has a topic-based forums inside Canvas for discussing class and related material. The forums are limited to students, the instructor, and course assistants (TAs or other faculty), if any. When appropriate, please use that forum so that all class members can benefit. The instructor will try to read posts on business days within 24 hours. If an emergency, use e-mail or contact the E&CE Office (205) 934–8440.

The instructor will hold Zoom hours as posted on the Syllabus page in Canvas. These times are first-come, first served with priority to those in my class.

Links to Other Information on Web Page

Course Description from Catalog (updated)

Software development emphasizing object-oriented methods. Design and develop programs using existing classes and create their own classes. A graphical user interface framework will be used as an extensive example of an Object-Oriented System. Develop skills in project management, written and oral communication, teams, and an introduction to ethics and intellectual property issues. Prerequisites: EE233 (C language, data structures)

Course Purpose

The purpose of this course is to continue developing software skills focusing on object-oriented design, object-oriented implementation, and user interface design. The course also has a teamwork component and a discussion of ethics and intellectual property.

Learning Outcomes

  1. The student will be able to design software components and programs using object-oriented techniques.
  2. The student will be able to participate in a team to design and build a graphical user interface for a program.
  3. The student will be able to test and debug object-oriented software to identify a problem, isolate the problems, and correct the defect.
  4. The student will be able to discuss the applicability of the IEEE Code of Ethics to software engineering.
  5. The student will be able to convey design information in written comments in their computer programs using a class standard, in status reports, and in a graphical user interface design document.
  6. The student will be able to present their work and how Object-Oriented concepts have been incorporated into this work.
  7. The student will be able to find and use online documentation and tutorials to assist in their use of the required software system and appreciate the rate of change in the software engineering field.
  8. The student will be able to choose appropriate and feasible various intellectual property protection mechanisms for a given scenario.
  9. The student will be able to use object-oriented methods to develop computer programs.
  10. The student will be able to use software tools, including an integrated design environment (IDE) that supports object-oriented development. (IDE Tool Project)

ABET Outcomes (and required performance)

The outcomes for EE333 are detailed in Canvas as a page in Module 1. Certain outcomes are absolute requirements of the course (i.e., all students completing the course must demonstrate their abilities in these areas.) Specifically, it is a course requirement to

  1. complete the P5 design exercise.

  2. complete the team learning activities online as well as the team member evaluations.

  3. complete the online assignment associated with acquiring knowledge.

  4. complete the online and test questions related to ethics and intellectual property.

Late turn-in policy

The due dates for graded items are published with the assignments. Projects (P1-P5) are due when posted. Projects submitted late may be assigned a penalty, and Projects will not be accepted after the item is graded or a solution is posted. The electronic submissions are through Canvas and its server’s clock (reflected back to Central time) rules. Don’t get caught by a time skew between your system and theirs.


Component Weight
Quizzes, Class participation 20%
Individual Projects (P1 5%, P2 8%, P3* 12%, P4 5%, P5* 20%) 50%
Team Project GUI Program 20%
Personal Retrospective 10%

Final Grade: A: 90–100%, B: 89–80%, C: 79–70%, D: 69–60%, F: below 60%

Students are expected to participate as a team members for the Team Project GUI Program. Portions of the project grade are common to all team members, while a portion represents individual performance.

Major Assignments

Projects will be (are) distributed inside the Canvas LMS. Changes to the assignments (if any) will cause a Canvas-generated notification to be sent to you. Instructor solutions may be provided for some projects. If available, they will be accessible through Canvas. Students must work individually on Projects 1–5 and work in teams for the team project. Students who choose to engage tutors or other outside help should be careful to ensure that the actual project authorship is theirs, not the tutors. Tutors and outside help should limit their help to concepts and other, non-assignment, programming.

Online Requirements

It is assumed that you are reading mail sent to your blazerid@uab.edu address.

Note: I would like most questions to be asked on the discussion forums in Canvas. This discussion tool will allow me to answer once and let everyone see the answer. Unless it is “giving away the store”, please feel free to answer others’ questions, especially as it relates to how to use tools.

When mailing, please try to use informative subject lines. The subject lines turn out to be the easiest text to use for later searching for information. Try to limit each post to one thought/question.

Note that the Discussion Tool keeps conversations together within a topic by ‘threading’, so chose where to position your reply carefully. It is possible to like a post if you wish to support or highlight a post without making any additional comments.

Remember that text messages don’t convey body language, are permanent, and can cause misunderstandings and hurt feelings. Strive to communicate respectfully to all. If you find that someone’s message does not comply with this guidance to the point it may be hurtful to someone – please contact me by e-mail immediately with a subject line that includes the word URGENT.

There will be a topic for each of the major assignments and many topics, etc. Please try to choose the right topic for each posting and be sure to reply when you are continuing a conversation.

The discussion here carries the weight of discussions in class – please keep current by checking messages at least every 48 hours. You can subscribe to each forum, which will then cause an e-mail to be sent to you when someone posts.

If you need to send an e-mail, please be sure your e-mail contains “EE333” in the subject. Please also include your blazerid in the message if you are not mailing from your UAB e-mail account. Try to limit each email to one thought/question.

Team Project:

University Policies

Selected University Policies

Web Page: https://dgreenteach.org/DGreen/ee333/.
Copyright © 2010–22 David G. Green, All Rights Reserved
Contact: dgreen@uab.edu
Last modified: 23 June 2022